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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery

Year 5


Where possible teaching in English should link to the wider curriculum where pupils can build vocabulary to enrich their writing.  From the start pupils should all edit and improve their writing, beginning with reading back simple words or sentences to developing more complex editing strategies throughout the different year groups. Length of teaching units should be determined by the class teacher according to the needs of the class.


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Jinnie Ghost

Outcomes: Linked to the themes of night, moon and shadows; poetry by Berlie Doherty, Walter De La Mare, Lord Byron and Carol Ann Duffy are compared; a poem in the style of Berlie Doherty is the outcome

Our Wonderful World

Outcomes:  The wider world is explored through a variety of poems; free verse describing the wonder of the world using metaphor is the outcome


Animals of Africa

Outcomes: Word play and puns are explored through a variety of engaging animal poetry to create a word play poem about an African animal



The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy

Outcome:  Fiction: traditional tale

Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton

Outcome: Fiction: myth

Malala’s Magic Pencil By Malala Yousafzai



The Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson

Outcome:  Persuasion/information:

Hybrid leaflet


The Hunter by Paul Geraghty

Outcome: Fiction: journey story


  Queen of the falls by Chris Van Allsburg

Outcome:  Recount: series of diaries


  The Darkest Dark

Outcome: Recount: biography

  The Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson

Outcome:  Persuasion/information:

Hybrid leaflet



All books/texts/excerpts used will be selected to enrich language.   Classrooms will be language rich environments and staff will promote a love of reading and writing.  Teachers are encouraged to immerse the children in language through Talk4Writing, book battles, poetry for performance, debate etc…. Teachers may choose one text to delve deeper into to enrich understanding and love for books at any point during the term. Pupils should be encouraged to write and read for pleasure and this should be celebrated.
