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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery

Special Educational Needs

Cockshutt C of E School is a rural primary school, with Nursery provision. We are an inclusive school and we welcome all children regardless of need. We pride ourselves on knowing our children well and providing the personal care each individual child needs. Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are well supported and not disadvantaged. 


We recognise that everyone is unique and that the world is diverse; therefore working in partnership ensures a successful primary experience for all our pupils regardless of their starting point.


The pastoral support and welfare provided for pupils is of high quality. Strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural development underpins the work of the school and is enhanced by its special relationship with the local church and community. Relationships between staff and pupils and among pupils are very positive. Ofsted July 2016


Engagement with parents/carers is a high priority for us and therefore we work effectively with all stakeholders to provide the best challenge and support for all pupils in order to prepare them well for their next steps.  We operate an open door policy to ensure that any issue which arises can be resolved swiftly for the benefit of all.

Follow the link below for all of our up to date school policies.

Miss Sarah Burgess

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Miss Sarah Burgess

A SEN clinic will be held every Friday morning from 8:30-9:30am. Please contact Miss Burgess below to book an appointment or to discuss how we can support your child.
