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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery

Accessibility Plan and Information

Accessibility Plan


School Vision:

Our school vision is to create an environment that allows children to develop confidence, independence, self-esteem and respect for all people. This will allow us to grow together in a love for learning which will last a life-time and encourage one another to do better, be better and aim higher than we ever thought possible. We aim to enjoy every day learning as a part of our school family, in an environment where we all feel supported to step into new adventures together. 

School Motto:

‘A Quality Education for All for Life’

1 Thessalonians 5 v 11 ‘Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.’

Statement of Intent

This accessibility plan outlines the proposals of the governing body of Cockshutt C of E Primary School & Nursery  to increase access to education for pupils with disabilities in the three areas required by the planning duties in the Equality Act 2010.

A person is regarded as having a disability under the Act where the person has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

The plan aims to:

  • Increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the school curriculum.
  • Improve the environment of the school to increase the extent to which pupils and staff with disabilities can take advantage of education, benefits, facilities and associated services provided.
  • Improve the availability of accessible information, which is readily available to other pupils, to pupils with disabilities.

The above aims will be delivered within a reasonable time frame and in ways which are determined after taking into account the pupil’s disabilities and the views of the parents/carers and pupil. In preparation of an accessibility strategy, the governing body must have regard to the need to allocate adequate resources in the implementation of the strategy.

The governing body also recognises its responsibilities towards employees with disabilities and will:

  • Monitor recruitment procedures to ensure that persons with disabilities are provided with equal opportunities.
  • Provide appropriate support and provision for employees with disabilities to ensure that they can carry out their work effectively without barriers.
  • Undertake reasonable adjustments to enable to access the workplace.

The plan will be resourced, implemented reviewed and revised regularly in consultation with:

  • The parents/carers of pupils
  • The headteacher and other relevant members of staff
  • Governors
  • External partners

This plan is reviewed annually to take into account the changing needs of the schools and its pupils and where the school has undergone refurbishment.


Review November 2023


Action plan

Aim 1

To increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

Our key objective is to reduce and eliminate barriers to access to the curriculum and to ensure full participation in the school community for pupils and prospective pupils with a disability.

Governors and staff are aware of the issue of split-level flooring from the main school to the school hall.  Currently we have no pupils who cannot climb the steps however we are aware that this will need to be addressed in the future.  This issue will be considered each time an application is made to the school.  This is an ongoing conversation with property services.

Short term targets







Ensure that the school’s environment is accessible.

Review of physical environment.


Adaptations to the environment planned by Shropshire Council Spring 2024

Health and Safety audit committee SENDCo and Headteacher

Spring 2023

School is aware of accessibility barriers to its physical environment and will make a plan to address them


Access to the hall, disabled toilet facilities.

Annually or as required

Ensure that all children regardless of disability  access a broad and balanced curriculum.

Whole school discussion SENDCo to monitor children on SEN register and Plan, Do Reviews,  Pupil progress meetings

SENDCo and class Teachers to draw up and circulate PDRs after consultation with parents.




All children will have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum and the outcomes for children with disabilities will be closely monitored by SENDco and SLT


Accessibility log kept

Continually review PE curriculum to make PE accessible to all.

Gather information about PE and Sports for children with disabilities


Attendance at inclusive sports events. 

Head teacher, SLT

H & S

SP sports lead, governor




All children are able to access PE






Pupils can access School games events

Annual Summer


Survey to parents

Ensure that all staff have relevant training to be able to adapt the curriculum to the needs of children with disabilities.

Staff audit to identify training needs. Audit of teaching resources available to teachers and TAs

Head and SENDCo





Raised awareness and expertise of staff. Wider range of appropriate IT resources used to support engage and enable children with disabilities

Staff SEND



Ensure that all children have equal access to lunchtime and after school activities

Review participation and make sure TA support is available at lunchtime.

Headteacher SLT and SENDCo. All class teachers

Spring 2024

Equal opportunity for all regardless of back ground. 

Priority for pupil premium funding.

Club registers review

Ensure that all children have access to school visits.

Ensure that the planning process for school trips includes provision for children with disabilities

Update EVC policy and procedure.

Headteacher, SLT, SENDco and all class teachers.

Autumn 2023


and as required

All school trips are accessible. Personal care plans for the visit are jointly drawn up with parent, child and school input.

During planning process

Medium term targets







Future policies updated to include access to pupils with disabilities.

Build accessibility considerations into all curriculum policies and review annually

All curriculum lead teachers

At next policy review date as per policy schedule

All updated policies include provision for accessibility

Updated PEEPs

Annually in line with policy review schedule

Provide advice to familiess of children with disabilities on how they may support their learning in the core curriculum

Regular meetings as part of PDR review to agree targets to overcome barriers to learning. Personal care plans in place to ensure that all members of staff have relevant information.

All staff

Termly PDR meetings with class teacher and more frequent meetings with SENDCo if needed.

Families are well informed and involved with their children’s learning. All staff have a very clear understanding of the specific needs of a child with a disability/additional need and factor this in to any medium and short term curriculum planning.

Termly by class teachers and monitored during Pupil progress meetings with SLT

Long term target







Staff to receive appropriate training as highlighted by audit


Relevant training to be added at induction

Staff meeting CPD timetabled over the course of 2023/24 to build staff knowledge. External agencies involved in delivery of training



Review training needs on induction. 

All staff


All staff will be familiar with accessibility needs of children with disabilities.

Annually through performance management


Aim 2

To improve the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services.

Short term targets







Audit of site to highlight needs.




Adaptation planned to the site by Shropshire Council

Site visit to identify areas of need in terms of access for children with disabilities.

Headteacher H& S, governor SENDCo, building services

Spring 2024






Spring 2024

Accessibility issues identified and prioritised

Annually or on pending entry of a pupil with additional needs.

Ensure that all disabled pupils can be safely evacuated.

Put in place Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan(PEEP)as part of termly drill review

Headteacher, Building services H& S governor SENDCo

Autumn 2023

All children with disabilities can be safely evacuated

Annually or on pending entry of a pupil with additional needs


Medium term targets







Improve ease of accessibility for physically disabled including wheelchair users and those with impaired movement.

Adult support for pupils who find stairs challenging.

Provision when a wheel chair needs access.

RAMP available if required (shared with church)

Headteacher, Building services, H&S governor SENDCo

Autumn 2023

All areas of the school will be accessible and welcoming.

Ongoing review annually. 

To ensure school grounds are accessible and

available and steps can be successfully negotiated.

All raised areas have ramps excluding the Victorian Hall (original part of the building).

Review annually the need for a lift into the hall.


Building services, H&S governor,


Autumn 2023

All areas of the school will be accessible and welcoming

Long term target evaluate need annually

Ensure that the site is accessible to those with disabilities.

Site survey to incorporate accessibility into health and safety audit and update accessibility policy as a result of this annual audit.

Headteacher, H&S governor,


Spring 2024

All areas of the school will be accessible and welcoming


Long term targets

To regularly review the physical environment

Site survey to incorporate accessibility into health and safety audit and update accessibility policy as a result of this annual audit.

Headteacher SENDCo

 H & S governor Building services.

Spring 2024

School is accessible to all

Annually and weekly through health and safety monitoring form.


Aim 3

To improve the delivery of written information to disabled pupils and parents

Short term targets







Availability of written materials in different formats

Parents asked if written material is accessible. Pupil registration forms to include needs families. Staff to identify specific needs of individual pupils. Statutory test format adjusted appropriately for children with specific needs.

Adaptation of in lesson material. 

Admin staff- admission forms.EYFS staff EYFS induction forms.

Class teachers to audit needs of pupils with disabilities and share with SENDCo for inclusion on PDR.

Autumn 2023

All children and parents able to access written information

July 2024

or as required

Medium term targets







Continually review website to ensure that all information on the website is accessible and signposting to Local Offer is effective.

Review of information delivery procedures and signposting to Shropshire Local Offer


Review how information is presented to make it accessible for all. 

SENDCO and Headteacher

SEN governor

Autumn 2023

School is aware of accessibility gaps in information delivery on the website and website is fully accessible

July 2024


Website annual audit by governor.

Long term targets

Review inclusion leaflet, giving advice to parents when necessary

Use Shropshire Local Offer website to source information and internet-based research to underpin pedagogy


Spring 2024

Increased information available at local level to parents and carers of children with disabilities


Review provision annually to ensure that it reflects the needs of children within the school

Use admission information to screen for disability needs. Set up early meetings with EYFS admissions to explore specific needs. Seek advice from inclusion services

SENDCO EYFS teacher Headteacher

Autumn 2023


or as required

Accurate and up to date information about the needs of the children in school, drives regular audit and improvement cycle

July 2024
