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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery

Design and Technology Policy

Design and Technology Policy 

We believe the teaching of Design and Technology (D&T) is an important part of the development of children. It encourages children to work as individuals or as part of a team, when they have to consider their own and others’ needs, wants and values. It is a practical subject in which the children can use their imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems in a variety of contexts. Pupils learn how to take risks becoming resourceful and innovative. The children find creating these things exciting, inventive, and great fun. Children learn about the world around them and how technology has brought about change.  


The Design and Technology curriculum includes: 

  • ‘Iterative’ designing and making process  

  • Pupils to create products using a wide range of materials 

  • Evaluation of own ideas and products 

  • Investigating and analysing existing products 

  • Using design criteria in KS1 

  • Use of annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams in KS2 

  • Key events and individuals in D&T in KS2 

  • Applying computing in KS2 products 

  • Cooking and nutrition compulsory for both key stages – principles of healthy diet; where food comes from; seasonality and how food is grown and processed. 

  • Cultural capital – through the careers focus we look at the ways in which design and technology have contributed to the world in which we live.  




The teachers cover the D&T units in ways which benefit the class. They either teach it weekly or may prefer to use a block of time to complete the work depending on the unit. Their individual planning will indicate which method they have chosen.  


The teachers use a mixture of whole class teaching and individual/group activities within their lessons. Children have the opportunity both to work on their own and to collaborate with others. They are encouraged to listen to and comment on the work of their friends. 


Links with other Curriculum Areas 

We recognise that D&T has links with many other curriculum areas and make use of these wherever possible e.g.; 


English – instructions, recounts, explanations, evaluations. 

Maths – measuring, number, area, shape. 

PSHE – responsibility, health and diets, respect for the work of others. 

Art – considering the visual quality of any design and the ability to express oneself.  

Outdoor Learning - we use our rural setting to enhance our curriculum where possible.  Engaging pupils in outdoor learning brings the curriculum to life in meaningful ways.   



We make informal assessments of the children’s work as we observe them working in the classroom during lessons. Once a piece of work has been completed, we mark and comment, as necessary. Verbal feedback is a priority.  


At the end of each unit, we make a judgement using the end of unit expectations. We then use this knowledge to plan future work for individuals or groups of children. These assessments are kept by the class teachers and are passed on as the child moves up the school.  


The work done in D&T is compiled into curriculum books, class books,  photo files or used for classroom displays.  



We issue reports to parents annually these include statements regarding the child’s progress. We also share our work through community celebration; open days; seesaw; the school website and the school app.  


Monitoring – Evaluation 

This will be achieved through discussion at staff meetings. The subject leader will attend network meetings, work in collaboration with other schools and report back to staff. The link governor meets at least annually, and feedback is given to governors.  


Our visual learning cycle is used throughout school to support the cycle of design and evaluation. This process is also applied to other curriculum areas. 
