10th-14th February
Oak Class Weekly Blog
What a busy and exciting week we've had in Oak Class as we wrapped up the half term!
In Maths, Year 6 have continued their work on ratio, building confidence with problems that involve scaling and proportion. Meanwhile, Year 5 have been focusing on multiplication, practising efficient written methods and tackling some tricky word problems along the way.
Science has been a highlight this week as we concluded our unit on light by creating shadow puppet theatres. The children had great fun experimenting with how shadows change depending on the distance and position of the light source. It was fantastic to see their understanding of reflection, refraction, and the properties of light come to life in such a creative way.
In English, we’ve been busy completing our final writes of our Norse myths, inspired by Arthur and the Golden Rope. The children have worked exceptionally hard to include relative clauses, fronted adverbials, and expanded noun phrases to make their writing engaging and descriptive. We’ve been so impressed with their imaginative ideas and ambitious vocabulary choices – well done, everyone!
As we finish for half term, we’re already looking ahead to an exciting event for Year 6. The week commencing Monday 24th February, our Year 6 pupils will be heading off to Min y Don for their residential trip. Mrs Baker and Mrs Edwards will be accompanying the children for the first half of the week, with Mrs Cheesman taking over from Mrs Baker on Wednesday morning until Friday.
While Year 6 are away, our Year 5s will continue their learning with Mrs Cheesman, Mrs Baker, and Miss Hayley, supported by Mrs Twigg.
Please note, there is no homework set over the half term break – enjoy the well-deserved rest and have a wonderful holiday!
See you all after half term!
3rd-7th Feb 2025
What a fantastic week it has been in Oak Class!
In History, we have been exploring the role of women in the 1950s. The children put themselves in the shoes of women from the era and wrote some brilliant diary entries—full of emotion, detail, and historical understanding. It was wonderful to see their creativity and empathy shine through.
In Geography, we kicked off an exciting fieldwork investigation. The children have been busy planning how to gather and analyse data, developing key research skills that will help them in the weeks ahead.
The highlight of our week was undoubtedly NSPCC Number Day! Oak Class took part in a national TT Rockstarscompetition, competing against over 3,000 schools. We are incredibly proud to have finished 361st—not bad for a small school! The energy and enthusiasm for maths were amazing.
To top off our maths focus, we put our ratio skills to the test by baking cookies. The challenge was to figure out the correct ingredient amounts for 24 cookies, and while things got a little messy, the results were absolutely delicious, albeit some a little burnt! The cookie dough was a definite class favorite!
Next week, we are excited to welcome back Miss Hayley, our associate teacher, who will be with us for a seven-week placement. We’re looking forward to learning with her!
Meanwhile, our Year 6s are off to Shrewsbury for the Darwin Festival, where they will get the chance to explore the legacy of Charles Darwin and deepen their understanding of science and history.
A fantastic week in Oak Class—well done, everyone! We can’t wait to see what next week brings.
13th-17th January
This week has been another productive and engaging one in Oak Class.
Some of our pupils participated in a dodgeball competition, where they showcased outstanding teamwork and effort. Mrs. Rogers reported that all participants gave 100% and played fantastically—well done to everyone involved!
We are delighted to welcome Miss Hayley, an associate teacher, who will be with us for the majority of the Spring term.
In geography, we launched our new topic by exploring maps. The children practiced their navigation skills by planning a route from Cockshutt to Oswestry Sainsbury’s.
In English, we began studying Arthur and the Golden Rope. The children were introduced to Norse mythology and are excited to delve deeper into this fascinating story over the coming weeks.
During PE, the children focused on gymnastics and learned a variety of “rolls,” demonstrating great skill and enthusiasm.
Looking ahead to next week, we are looking forward to our Axis workshop, which will focus on personal space and language.
Please take a moment to look at the photos capturing our activities throughout the week.
Mrs. Cheesman
6th-10th January.
Happy New Year and welcome back! It was lovely to see all the children back at school on Tuesday after the Christmas holiday. We had an exciting start to the Spring Term. We introduced our new history topic, The Changing Role of Women. As part of this, we explored a suffragette battle hymn and even had a go at singing it. The children are enthusiastic about showcasing this at some point this term! We read rules from the Victorian Times book of Etiquette, ask your child if they can remember any of the crazy rules they had for ladies?
In English, we wrote fictional stories about how our Christmas went wrong! Additionally, children in Oak Class wrote poems for a poetry competition. There are some fantastic pieces, and more information about this will be shared in due course.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the pantomime on Thursday afternoon. It’s always a highlight of the school year!
Please note: SATs revision club will run every Wednesday, starting this week (15.1.24, 3:15–4:15 pm). It would be great if all Year 6 students could attend, as we approach the lead-up to SATs.
Homework will be sent home on Wednesdays and will be due the following Wednesday. This will be in a homework book and include a small piece of English and Maths to complete over the week. If you have any concerns about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
16th-20th December
Wow! What a term and what an exciting final week we have had in Oak Class. We have taken part in lots of Christmas activities. Thank you for the lovely cards and gifts. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy spending lots of quality time together with your families. See you on January 7th. Have a look at our festive week in Oak Class!
9th-13th December
Wow, what a busy week we have had. Christmas is definitely all around us. I am SO proud of every single child for doing such a wonderful job in our Christmas Nativity on Wednesday evening. Their hard work really shines and it was a delight to watch them.
We have been looking at equivalent fractions in maths this week- the children have coped so well and impressed me with their hard work.
English has been in full swing this week, writing our final piece on the Windrush Generation, I am impressed with their knowledge on this and look forward to reading their final pieces.
Thursday was Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner day, it was lovely to sit with the children for lunch.
In PE we did some Christmas dancing!
Next week will see a busy week before the Christmas holidays. Our Christmas party will be on Wednesday afternoon. Children are welcome to bring in a change of clothes for our party and can change at the end of lunchtime. I will also send an app message about this.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Cheesman
25th-29th November
Hi all! It was lovely to be back and see everyone. We had a busy week in Oak class with assessments and some practice SATs papers for the year 6 which will continue into next week. All children have tried very hard with their assessments and I am proud of them all.
We are speeding into the last 3 weeks before Christmas, meaning the Christmas Nativity rehearsals will ramp up in the coming weeks. Your child should have had a letter this week stating their costumes- school trousers and a Christmas jumper. You are, as always, in for a treat with a traditional Christmas nativity this year with plenty of well-known carols.
21st-25th October
We have made it to half term! I am so proud of the children and their settling into years 5 and 6. We have had a wonderful half-term with lots of memorable moments.
This week's highlights have got to be the "Big Draw" day and our author's visit today. The children have been very creative, created great artwork, and even planned their own stories. I hope some children take their plans and write a fantastic story to share after the half-term holiday!
Have a wonderful half-term everyone. See you on Monday 4th November- remember it is bike ability week!
Mrs Cheesman
14th-18th October
It was great to see parents and carers on Wednesday evening, despite the awful weather we had! If you missed your appointment and would like to rearrange please contact me and I will be happy to do so.
In English, we will start next week ready to write our final piece, a diary entry from Matthew Henson. "Race to the Frozen North" has been a fantastic story and gave us lots of inspiration for our end-of-term write. Every half-term, we choose a new English unit that will always finish with a "final write." I am looking forward to reading these.
Some things we learned this week in Oak Class:
Geography: Volcanoes!
History: Medical Advancements in the Victorian Times
Science: Diet and exercise importance.
Maths: Column Addition
Well done to the Fencing Team who travelled to a fencing tournament on Thursday with Mrs Twigg!
We have got a busy, exciting week ahead in Oak Class:
Monday: This Girl Can event, those attending have been notified and will leave school at 8.30am prompt.
Thursday: Big Colour Day- NON UNIFORM. Forest School will go ahead for Yr 5 as normal.
Friday: Sarah Wynne, visiting author. I will add her website link at the bottom. You should have all had a letter with how you can purchase a book for signing (Please note: this is not compulsory). https://www.sarahwynneauthor.co.uk/
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Cheesman
7th-11th October 2024
Another busy week in Oak Class. We have continued with our story of "Race to the Frozen North in English" it has us all gripped and we have wrote some fantastic setting descriptions and planned a recount ready to write up this week. In maths we have been working on rounding numbers and negative numbers.
We celebrated "World Mental Health Day" on Thursday and created a booklet about our positive self-image. We had a class discussion on the importance of mental health and thought of wonderful, kind things to say about our peers.
Looking forward to another fun-filled week in Oak Class. I will be sure to take more photos!
30th September- 4th October
This week in Oak Class we have continued looking at our story "Race to the Frozen North" in English, following Matthew Henson's story. This fits in with our 'Young, Gifted and Black' book. We have also had discussions about Black History Month, which is the month of October. We also chatted about the importance of being kind and the impact being mean to someone can have, we used a piece of paper as an analogy for this. It is lovely to see so many kind and helpful children in Oak Class.
In Maths we have partitioning numbers and looking at number lines to 10,000,000!
In Geography we competed a jigsaw with the tectonic plates, we have learnt about what the tectonic plates are and will carry this on further by looking at Earthquakes next week.
In science, we have been looking at heart rate and how our BPM increases when we exercise. We were able to record our resting heart rate and monitor how it increased after doing exercise.
The year 6's have been busy making their bird boxes in D and T with Mrs Baker whilst the year 5's have fun at Forest School. We missed some of our year 6's on Friday when they had their first taster at Lakelands.
Congratulations to our star of the week, Milo and our Maths whizzer of the week, Harvey.
Make sure you continue reading at home and putting in a raffle ticket each day and completing 3 (or more) progressions on Maths Whizz.
Next week we are celebrating World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10th October, please join us in wearing yellow to help raise awareness.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Cheesman
23rd- 27th September
What a busy week we have had in Oak Class. Well done to our wonderful stars of the week, Eliza and Ranveer, for their hard work and 100% effort, always.
In English this week we have been learning about Matthew Henson- ask your child if they can remember what he achieved in his life.
In Geography we have been looking at ways to reduce climate change and joined a live online lesson.
History- we have learnt all about different cures the Tudors had for illnesses, we found this so interesting and couldn’t believe some of the crazy treatments they used.
In Spanish we have learnt a song about family members!
Some children have been out representing the school at bowling and tag rugby this week, well done to those who took part. Well done to our 2 guitarists, Theo and Fred, who showcased their talent to the class.
Finally our wonderful MacMillan coffee afternoon. I am so proud of the children for hosting such a wonderful event. There were lots of yummy cakes, which we all managed to sample! I am yet to count the money but I will be sure to let you know once we have totalled it up. Thank you so much for coming and supporting MacMillan, it is a brilliant charity that makes a difference to so many lives.
16th-20th September
Another great week in Oak Class. Cian and Holly were our wonderful stars of the week, well done to them, they have both worked really hard.
In science this week we made the four components of blood- I wonder if the children can explain to you the four different parts that make up blood and the importance of drinking water?!
Geography, we continued our topic of "Our Extreme Earth" and looked at different types of weather and how it affects us and the environment.
We have began our English Pathways topic book of "Young, Gifted and Black". We have learnt about Simone Biles and Bessie Coleman so far. The children have found this so interesting and we have learnt and applied skills such as subordinate conjunctions and fronted adverbials to our writing.
Math- we have been looking at place value, we had fun with this and played some place value games.
Next week we have an exciting week, there is bowling on Monday for some children and Tag Rugby on Friday for some more. Children in Oak Class are also hosting a Macmillan Coffee and Cake Afternoon on Friday 27th September. This will begin at 2.30pm, at school. Please join us for a coffee/tea and a cake, we would be grateful for any donations of cakes/biscuits.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Cheesman
9th-13th September 2024
We had a fantastic week in Oak Class this week. Seeing so many parents and carers join us at the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting was wonderful. This week we continued with 'ramp up week', slowly breaking the children into their learning after a 6-week break. The children have adapted to being back at school so well and I am proud of them all.
Some highlights of the week included Geography- we looked at the structure of the Earth and created models of this using Play-Doh. The children are enjoying our science unit and we looked further into the circulatory system this week.
The children completed their baseline assessments this week to help us see where they are at and ensure our planning meets all needs. They did a great job with all assessments and I have especially enjoyed reading their assessed write stories, I was so impressed that some children continued writing at home!