Cockshutt Primary school has a well developed and established Christian vision which impacts on all aspects of school life. The strong leadership of the school drives the vision forward. The school motto ‘a quality education for ALL for life’ is demonstrated through care and support for pupils in an inclusive environment. Governors and leaders have ensured that the theologically rooted vision motivates staff and pupils to build each other up in God’s love. As a result, pupils are proud of their school and demonstrate confidence, independence and self-esteem and staff feel supported and cared for. This leads to all members of the school community flourishing together. Pupils know and understand the six Christian values (forgiveness, compassion, perseverance, respect, friendship and courage) and apply them in their work. Under the clear guidance of the headteacher, staff are also enabled to grow as future leaders who can sustain the long-term impact of the vision. Governors work closely with the school to maintain high standards. They often volunteer during the day as well as provide on-going self-evaluation of the school to ensure its effectiveness.