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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery


Ash Class Christmas Party!

A visit from Santa.

An extra special visitor flew over the school today! πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„

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Christmas in a box workshop with Jane Webber

The greatest showman dancing

Anti-bullying week

As part of anti-bullying week, we have been paying compliments to each other. 

Planting in our sensory garden

Using digi maps and looking at map symbols

Science- the importance of exercise

RE - reflecting on the importance of rest.

This week at forest school, we have been peeling and painting sticks to make ‘Stick Gnomes’ 

RE- Ash Class Song.

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We wrote a song to the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle little star" thanking God for everything he created.

Using simple compass directions and using a map in Geography to find our way to Forest School

National Day of Prayer

To celebrate National Day of Prayer, we wrote prayers to thank God for special places in our local community. 

This term we are developing our hockey skills. We have been learning to dribble and pass the ball. 

In music this week, we have learnt the ‘C’ chord on the ukulele. 

Singing about the Creation Story in our RE lesson

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This week we read Genesis 1 and learned all about the Creation story and learned that in the beginning there was nothing, until God created the universe and everything in it!

Perseverance for a magical moment

It took a lot of patience, standing still and being quiet but with a bit of perseverance we managed to capture this magical moment. πŸ¦‹ 

In Art this term, we are looking at representing the seasons through colours. 

What a fantastic first forest school we had! We did lots of exploring to find bugs, built fairy houses, made some delicious meals in the mud kitchen and relaxed in the hammock. 

Our local area

This term in Geography, we are looking at our locality. During ramp up week we looked at different photos of places within Cockshutt and surrounding areas. The children had to sort them into the correct columns- 'Yes, this is in Cockshutt or No, this is not in Cockshutt.' 

This week we have introduced the children to their new topics through practical and fun activities. 
