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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery


The RHSE curriculum is delivered under three core themes:


Health and Wellbeing

  • what is meant by a healthy lifestyle
  • how to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing
  • how to manage risks to physical and emotional health and wellbeing
  • ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe
  • about managing change, including puberty, transition and loss
  • how to make informed choices about health and wellbeing and to recognise sources of help with this
  • how to respond in an emergency
  • to identify different influences on health and wellbeing



  • how to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships, within a range of social/cultural contexts
  • how to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships
  • how to recognise risky or negative relationships including all forms of bullying and abuse
  • how to respond to risky or negative relationships and ask for help
  • how to respect equality and diversity in relationships


Living in the Wider World

  • about respect for self and others and the importance of responsible behaviours and actions
  • about rights and responsibilities as members of families, other groups and ultimately as citizens
  • about different groups and communities
  • to respect diversity and equality and how to be a productive member of a diverse community
  • about the importance of respecting and protecting the environment
  • about where money comes from, keeping it safe and the importance of managing it effectively
  • the part that money plays in people’s lives
  • a basic understanding of enterprise               


As part of the learning pupils need to develop assertiveness and skills of negotiation, conflict, resolution and to be able to express their feelings whilst being aware of their impact on others. Issues of children’s personal safety should be addressed and children also need to develop their role as a sensible consumer.


At this school we are aware that RSHE includes aspects of school life not confined to the classroom e.g. friendship, making school rules, being aware of other cultures and coping with change. These issues are as important as those planned for in the classroom. Both will complement each other as RSHE does not exist in a vacuum. Through the breadth of opportunities offered to children in both key stages, pupils will be encouraged to make choices and decisions in the issues which affect our lives.