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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery


More dodgeball! This is a firm favourite with the whole of Cockshutt school and this time it was time for the year three and four children to compete! They did an amazing job and played eleven games! Exhausting stuff!

Today we had an amzing time at the dodgeball tournament. We came 7th out of 11 schools. It was very energetic and a highly active set of matches! The children all worked so hard and inspired each other along the way to work tactically!

We had a blast at our Reindeer Dash. We donned our reindeer noses in house colours and ran laps around the track. We collected all of the winning points and presented the winning runners for each year group with medals. The overall winning team were the eagles! Well done to everyone!

We recently held our inter-house curling competition.The children adore this event and this year the winning house were the eagles team with a very strong lead!

We recently made a debut at a new event for the school games award. fencing! We had an amazing time at Morton Hall School where we were coached and then entered into competitions. We came third and really enjoyed trying out a new sport!

We had a wonderful time at the Tag Rugby event. We were coached and got to compete with other schools too! It was great fun and we learnt lots of new skills.

Run club has made a strong start. We have been challenged by the elements but have been out and running on a Thursday lunchtime. We have been collecting and adding new members along the way too! Great running everyone.

This week began in a sporty way with our annual bowling trip. It was fantastic fun and we demonstrated excellent team work by supporting each other. We enjoyed working out the scores, who scored strikes and spares and had a wonderful time!

We went to our first fixture of 2024 and it is always one of our favourites, curling! We came second in our league and had a really enjoyable time playing alongside lots of other schools.

Platinum Award! We have achieved the Platinum school games award for 2023-2024. The whole school community has worked so hard to achieve this award.

National Sports Week! We had our very own Euro 2024 competition this morning. Chestnut class decided upon the teams.Germany v Scotland and Spain v Portugal. The year 6 sports leaders were amazing at explaining the rules and refereeing the matches. You will be pleased to know we had some excellent skills, amazing goals and the highest quality goal keeping Germany were the overall winners with a 5-1 and 4-1 victory in both matches! !

Some children from KS1 had a great time out at Criftins school enjoying a morning of athletics. First we had the field events, including Javelin, seated throw, speed bounce, high jump, long jump and bean bag throwing. Then we had lots of track (running) races. Amazing effort from everyone. 

We had the most amazing time at the badminton festival. We came 3rd and found a love of the sport!

We had an amazing time at the hockey festival. We had lots of sunshine, lots of fun and came fourth in our group!

Play leaders

This week year 6 and some year 5’s have had some play leader training. They learnt lots of new games to play with the younger children at break and lunchtimes. They are all really excited to start next week. 

Just dance club is very popular at break time.

National fitness day. Today we have had a dodgeball competition and other fun fitness activities such as Jo Wicks fitness, just dance and core body strength with air hockey!

Rounders festival. We had a great time at the rounders festival at Lakelands. The children learnt lots of new variations of the game with the excellent year 10 leaders.

Key Stage one football festival. We Had a great time at the football festival. With two matches scoring 4-0 and 5-0! What a team!

Sports day was so much fun.

Tennis coaching. Chestnut class got to experience the tennis coach today. We learnt so many games and great bat and ball skills. Bring on Wimbledon.

Some of us have been using our new curling equipment. We had a great time trying to reach the target!

We have started our tennis coaching this week with Henry. Watch out Wimbledon !!!!

Our new football club began today with Mr Thomas. They made the most of the sunshine and had a great time ⚽️

Handball. This afternoon we had a great time learning a new sport. Handball was great and it was so much fun to join in the festival.

Year 5/6 football tournament

Year 5/6 boys had a very wet but fun morning out at Oswestry school taking part in a football tournament. 

Our lovely lunchtime play leader has started key stage one lunchtime football club. It’s great fun and we have been dribbling, passing and playing a mini game too.

Today we faced the artic conditions to play in a girls football festival. We scored lots of goals and it was so much fun!

Key Stage One athletics! Today we came second at the Athletics event. We had such a a great time and learnt lots of field and track skills.we came second!

Lunchtime football club with TNS is great fun and we are learning lots of new skills and working as a team to play matches.

Key stage one gymnastics festival. We had the best time at the competition today and everyone in team Cockshutt achieved a silver certificate!

Cross country club have been working really hard on some interval running techniques.

Gym club is back! We began gym club today and we learnt some key moves such as pike. We learnt teddy bear rolls and half turns on the equipment too.

Basketball. Today we came second in our league at the competition. We had great fun and worked well as a team scoring lots of baskets!

Year 3 sports event. The year three children had the opportunity to attend a sports activity session in Shrewsbury with the energise team. Our year six children came along and were excellent sports leaders. They lead a range of activities from golf to curling!

We have began our inter-house hockey competition this week. We kicked off with the youngest children and so far it’s a draw amongst our house teams.

Hockey competition. We came third in our certificate group at the hockey match. We grew together as a team and by the end of the completion had scored four goals.

Getting active at break and lunchtimes

We have lots of fun activities to keep us active during our break and lunchtimes inc music to dance to, football, basketball,tennis and skipping. 

Panathlon. We entered the ten pin bowling challenge and we came 5th out of a whopping 11 schools. The team overall scored very well and helped and coached each other along the way.

Girls football festival. We recently joined other local primary schools to experience the Disney Allstars football activities lead by the Lakelands sports leaders. We then had a match!

Energise! We are currently trying out some new activity bags. They have equipment linked to our house colours and keep us fit and active at playtime and lunchtime!

Cross country

Boys football

Football at Oswestry School
