Marking and Feedback Policy
We believe that pupils should be actively involved in both marking and feedback. Pupils receiving feedback is crucial in raising standards. It is important that children know they are making progress, evaluate how to continue to make progress and understand their next steps. As a school, we plan for LEARNING and the focus of feedback is to further children’s learning. Feedback is an essential part of that process for both the teacher and the pupil. The development in learning must be kept uppermost in our minds as the reason for giving feedback to a child’s work.
Our duty is to give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback. Teachers Standards
“If you don’t get feedback nothing changes, you keep doing the same things wrong and then it becomes a habit.” Y5 Ambassador
“Feedback is important for my learning and progress.” Y6 Ambassador
Key Principles
The sole focus of feedback should be to further children’s learning.
Feedback should empower children to take responsibility for improving their own work.
Verbal or visual feedback should be the main source given.
Children receive feedback within the lesson or in the next appropriate lesson. The ‘next step’ is usually the next lesson.
Feedback should be purposeful and used to celebrate and improve attainment. High quality feedback from teachers, pupils and other adults is an essential part of formative assessment.
Feedback involves both self-assessment and peer assessment by pupils. As often as possible, children should be assessing their own work and their peers to understand their progress against the objective of the lesson. Any areas that need developing further- as a next step - will be identified by the pupils themselves. Pupils will be encouraged to reflect, analyse, evaluate and set their own steps for development in order to improve attainment; enabling them to become independent, high level thinkers.
What is the pupil’s role in feedback?
Checking of routine exercises and work completed.
Use self-assessment or peer assessment against success criteria.
Pupils mark their work using pink, green and purple. (Pink for progress, green as an area to develop, purple to edit and improve their work -Purple Polish).
Pupils encourage and support each other when peer assessing.
When and how do adults mark/feedback in books?
Teachers to mark in biro.
Teachers should complete live marking and give verbal feedback as often as possible.
Detailed written marking should be carried out across all subjects when beneficial.
Comments provided or modelled examples are used to support and develop pupil learning.
Monitoring of this Policy
Subject leaders must ensure that during work sampling, random pupil selector and book scrutiny they pay particular attention to whether the marking and feedback policy is being adhered to. We will also focus on whether the children are aware of their next steps and if they are being extended to encourage deep learning throughout each lesson.
This policy has been reviewed by teachers, governors and federation ambassadors.
Marking Policy January 2022
Reviewed - January 2025