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Cockshutt CE Primary School & Nursery

Autumn 2023

An extra special visitor flew over the school today! πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„

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We have been writing our phonemes in the snow!

We have been ordering the Christmas trees, counting out some trees to match each numeral and looking at one more and one less.

As part of our science work on the senses we explored touch. We went on a texture hunt and made a touchy feely board for the children in little chestnut.

Chestnut class decorated the Christmas tree!

We have been exploring our senses. We learnt all about the eye and how we see and then felt what it was like to be without our sight. We decided we need our friends a lot to help us!

We got spotty for Children in need!

We explored 3D shapes by looking at the 2D face it prints. We turned our shapes into spooky pumpkins!

We have spent the most fabulous two days with Darrell. He is a super artist and we learnt lots of techniques using cardboard. We also developed our painting skills too.

We have been using the Bee-Bot to learn our digraph and trigraphs. It was great fun. 😁

Today we made hedgehog bread. We initially learnt all about hedgehogs and where they live. Then we thought carefully about the spikes on a hedgehog and how they roll! Then we used scissors to develop our cutting skills to make the spikes in the bread!

Funnybones! Today we learnt all about our bones. We named the bones and learnt what it would be like to live without a skeleton! Then we made our own creations, carefully making each separate part of the body!

Autumn exploration. We have been using our senses to explore pumpkins and then create a set of adjectives to describe them. It was lots of gooey fun!

We have created some art in the style of Henry Rousseau. We used lots of pencil techniques to create texture on the animals.

We have been exploring Autumn by finding lots of leaves and exploring how the feel and why they change colour. We then became super creative in painting them!

We have been exploring repeating patterns with spooky pasta!

Flash light phonics! Today we made the most of the autumn weather and used the torches! We searched for phonemes and practiced letter formation too!

We have been busy making salt dough gingerbread men, ready for some small world investigations in water! Will he cross the river or will the bridge we make help him?

Shared reading. We have began our shared reading time with oak class. It was great to listen to new stories with the older children.
