At Cockshutt, our Child Centred Safeguarding Board is called Safety Squad! Our logo and slogan are a combination of designs and discussions with our team of children. The fantastic images were then created by Sally Harris.
The History of Safeguarding Boards
"A culture of listening to children and young people and taking account of their wishes and feelings, both in individual decisions and the development of services". (Working Together 2023)
To give pupils a voice and have their lived experience heard and validated
To develop a culture of openness and honesty
To upskill pupils and develop their confidence
To involve pupils in keeping themselves safe
To support pupils to share information with other children in an age appropriate way
To enable children to understand their rights
"This child centred approach is fundamental to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of every child. A child centred approach means keeping the child in focus" (Establishing a safeguarding board for children and students - Sian Deane Severn Training Alliance)
In November our Safety Squad were proud to be asked to share their Water Safety presentation at the first Children's Safeguarding Board Network Meeting! The feedback was very positive.
Our topic this term will be Feeling Safe in and around School.
Safety Squad team shared their learning with the rest of school.